
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Virgen de los Dolores de Turumba - Viatico

Ang Mapag himalang Birhen Dolores de Turumba

The Virgin of Turumba, photo by Glenn Innocencio

The Virgin Mary is the cause of Our joy, A phrase perfect for those who go to the town of Pakil, Laguna who want to experience the third "Lupi" to honor the Virgin Mary under the title of the Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba. Last April 17-18, I got a chance go again to Pakil for the second time, the first was  last March 30. Invited by a friend to see the 1st Lupi, wherein the Virgin is brought to the pool to be bless. Again I was entice to go back to Pakil to experience the "Viatico".

Pistang Viatico - Virgen ng Turumba

The processional image of Nuesta Señora de los Dolores de Turumba, dress for the Viatico.

The Viatico is a three day celebration which starts from the second Monday of Easter and concludes in the following Wednesday. Thus a huge number of devotees from the different  provinces come to Pakil to celebrate. From a glimpes in the streets of Pakil the festive atmosphere for is felt. Much of the streets is filled with devotees camping for the celebration. According to an observation by a guest priest from  Pila, the line of vehicles park for the Viatico has reach the bridge of Paete. I on the other hand, joined the celebration to honor the Virgin of Turumba, enjoy the scenery and discover what Pakil has to offer.

After arranging the flowers for the andas of the Virgin. Me and my companions rest in the house of the  Atienza  family, then we decide to have night swimming in the pools of Turumba. According to legend, the waters in the pool are said to be miraculous. It is said that one instance, the Blessed Virgin Mary walk to its waters.

The following day was a spectacle. Early in the morning the bells of the church rang, inviting the devotees to attend the mass. By 9am,I and my friends woke up and get ready for the con celebrated mass as the number of people entering the church  is getting bigger. As we enter the church the crowd was huge, the side entrance was filled with devotees entering and getting out of the church. The exhausting heat and the smell was irritating yet this is not against to the devotees that come all the way from far places just to attend the Viatico. The Mass started, me and my fellow Flickr friends were present, since there were no sits available, most us were standing in the  middle of the aisle. The heat inside the church has lead other to leave, yet there are many more coming as  the Mass ends.

Viatico 2012

The start of the procession, photo by Glenn Innocencio

Turumba Turumba Mariangga!

Photo by Warren Domingo


The scenes outside, photo by Warren Domingo

The procession finally started with the blessing and the singing of the Turumba, the andas is borne by men. The "Awit ng Turumba" is sang in a slow beat at first then a fast festive beat in the repeat. The image exists through the side door while devotees awaits the andas passes them, others trow their towels to the men standing in the sides of the float, they rub the towels and trow them back. The "esquila" or rotating bells ring's  as the procession passes the church, the float is then swayed several times.

Viatico 2012
The return, photo by Glenn Innocencio


The "Pahalik" after the procession
Then went to the choir loft of the church to get a better view when the image comes back to church, a bit  if chit chat with my friends about the Turumba. The after several minutes the bells rang again signaling the arrival of the procession in the church. The Andas is transpoted backwards, the Awit ng Turumba is repeated over and over, until  finally the float is placed in the platform and the final blessing is said . But whta the devotees are really waiting is the "paa-agaw". Items such as religious card, rosaries, scapulars, wallet size pictures of the Lady of Turumba are given to devotees as a token from their visit to Lady of Turumba.

Credits to the following:
Glenn Innocencio
Atienza Istop and Family
Ronald Buñag
Bernie of   Pagbilao, Quezon
Warren Domingo
Joshua Santos
Anthony Fernandes
Edison Balillia
The people of Pakil Laguna
And the Virgin of Turumba

Sunday, April 8, 2012

San Jose's Holy Week - Pagpapako

Pagpapako - San Jose Batangas

Oils are also place below. 

Nestled next to an old river know as Malaquing Tubig, is the town of San Jose, founded in 1765. The town know for its poultry and piggeries. But what makes this town distinctive is the Holy Week tradition that lives on through the test of time.
Pagpapako - San Jose Batangas

On Good Friday, there is a ritual known as "Pagpapako", a ritual which traces its pre-hispanic origin. Here the image is crucified in a bamboo structure decorated with branches of the medicinal "Malarayap". The ritual starts from 12 noon to 3 o' clock in the afternoon. The image is brought down in frenzy of devotees, getting a hold of the image. The faithful tries to get a branch of the Malarayap, which are only taken at as the image is brought down , the bamboo use for the structure is also taken consider as "sagrado". A fuse of western elements( the dead Christ) and oriental practices.

 A similar ritual is found in Paete Laguna, wherein the image of the dead Christ, sat in a chair, bathe in lambanog, and incense afterwards. The Pagpapako of both Cuenca and San Jose are similar, Cuenca was originally a part of San Jose back until the 1875. The town became independent. The pagpapako in Cuenca on the other hand uses Alagaw leaves.


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