
Monday, May 9, 2011

Anubing Sublian Festival 2011

Anubing Sublian Festival - Tshirt

Last May 1 and 2 the towns of Alitagtag and Bauan celebrated the Anubing Sublian Festival to honor the Mahal na Poon ng Sta Cruz. This festival showcase the dancing of Subli, a dance to hoor the Mahal na Poon. Here are some the clips from the Festival.

Anubing Sublian Festival - Magkapitid na Krus

Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz made of Styrofoam

Anubing Sublian Festival - Subli

Children of Alitagtag dancing Subli

Mahal na Poon - Bauan

The Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz of Bauan

The devotion to the Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz stated some time in the end of 16th century when a house post made of Anubing, local hardwood, was made into a giant cross. This cross was erected in the place called Dingin, a barrio in lake shore of present day Alitagtag. The cross was erected to protect the natives from a plague of ghost and the impending eruptions of Taal Volcano. Later the cross was place in present day Binukalan.

At that time there was a couple who was living near by whose husband was fierce to her wife. The man treated her like a slave and ask her to fetch water from the lake. Everyday the wife always pass to the giant cross to pray for her husband. One day into her visit she saw a miracle, water came out from the side of the cross, which made for her easy to get water. The husband on the other hand found that his wife gets water in no time that he suspected that someone is helping her. Thinking that the woman has a man with her, he spied on her and saw the miracle of Cross himself. The man became kind to her wife and became devote to the Holy Cross.

Buhat - Alitagtag

Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz Alitagtag

When the news of the miracle of the giant cross came to the ears of the Friars, they decided to get the cross to their parishes. Time came when to the parish priest of a Taal tried to pull the cross from the ground, yet the cross resisted. Another parish priest took a chance yet thunder and lightning cause him not to continue. When it was the parish priest of Bauan's turn, he prayed first and allow the natives to dance the Subli. The cross was pulled so easy from the ground that the parish of Bauan was declared as the home of the Mahal na Poon. Many miracles has been attributed to the Holy Cross, in fact due to its miracle many have chip of the side of the Poon. It was later decided to cover the sides with silver to protect the Cross.

Magkapatid na Krus - Bauan at Alitagtag

Magkapatid na Krus of Bauan and Alitagtag

When Alitagtag was separated from the town of Bauan, the people of Alitagtag decided to have a share of the Holy Cross, thus the giant cross was turned into two Holy Cross known as Magkapatid na Krus. Since then a tradition known as Salubong, wherein the the two Crosses meets at Barangay Concordia. Here the Mahal na Poon of Bauan ang Alitagtag are place into a float and heads to Binukalan where a Mass, Lua and the Subli are offered.

Anubing Sublian Festival - Lua

"Lua" to the Mahal na Poon

IMahal na Poon - Paghuhugas

damping water to the base of the Holy Cross of Alitagtag same thing done to the Cross of Bauan

Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz ng Bauan

The Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz of Bauan, standing freely

In the afternoon the Magkapatid na Poon are then place in float to be brought to the Bauan. This motorcade last for hours. In the roadside, devotees awaits for the Poon, when the Two Holy Cross arrives to them they shower it with flowers. At the bridge of Manghinao, the two Cross are brought down and carried in the shoulders of men. This procession goes to the streets of Bauan then to the patio of the Church. Here the dancers of Subli from Sinala awaits, when the two Holy Cross are in place the Subli is offered. Students from elementary and high schools also dance the Subli to honor the Mahal na Poon ng Sta. Cruz. By next day is the Fiesta of Bauan and in May 7 is the Fiesta of Alitagtag. Viva. Sta Cruz!!!

Subli ng Sinala

Subli from Sinala, dance to honor the Magkapatid na Sta Cruz

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