
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Silver Adornments - Taal Basilica


The Tabernacle with the silver trappings

If you want to see the best example of Spanish colonial Treasure then it would be no other than but the Silver Set of Taal Basilica. The silver adornment that the Basilica possess is considered as the finest in the islands dating back to 1782.

The set was brought by the Augustinian priest Fr. Jose Vitoria that Taal still possess up to present. The Silver Tabernacle is considered as the only of its kind in the Philippines, with a silver sunburst on top. Next to it is are the silver trappings with various designs of flowers and the seal of the Augustinian Order. The set when look closely shine like a mirror.
The Altar adorned with the set

Sadly not all of the adornments are there, according to Sir. Dindo Montenegro a lot of the treasury of the Basilica went to nowhere, some of the were stolen or lost overtime. One example are the "Hanchas", large candle stands similar to those of Lipa Cathedral, said to have lost after the war. For now the Basilica treasury keeps an eye on the remaining silver adornments.

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