
Friday, February 11, 2011

The Art above the Heads - Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and the Holy Child of Batangas, Batangas City

The Patroness of the Basilica

Thinking that few churches in the region had paintings where ceilings and wall
s of religious symbols, angels, and saints are found in chuches can also be discovered here in Batangas, a style known as Trompe o'loeil . The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and the Holy Child of Batangas is one
the best place to see these paintings.

With all the glory of these paintings, it is a treasure that steals the beholder, Above is the painting that will greet all as one enter's to the main door of the church.

One of the painting above the side doors

The nave of the Basilica
On its side are murals of the life and work of Christ such as the "Finding in the Temple" and th"Ascension to Heaven",the most common feature also is the Coat of Arms of the Pope in Vatican.

Detail of the section above the nave

The Battle in Heaven

Another beautiful feature are the framed paintings in the sides near the portico, these painting showcase the "The Expiration at the Cross" and "The Battle in Heaven". Other works can also be seen while walking in the sides but the best are those seen in the transept(crossing). With so infinite detail and artistry one is amazed by the realistic look of the painting.

Detail of the Ascension to Heaven

Ascension to Heaven

The Transept has two magnificent showpiece are the "Ascension to Heaven" in the left side and the "Holy Trinity " in the right.

The Holy Trinity

Detail of the painting

Both has details of structures of the bygone era and even a part showing the city of Jerusalem.

The Holy Eucharist above the presbytery

Similar to that of San Agustin in Intramuros, Giovanni Alberoni and Cesare Dibella where hired by the Augustinian Fathers to paint the interior, these two were also the painters whom give life to the interior of Taal Church(now Basilica) in the late 19th century after its construction.

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