
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Juan Hay-bing - the Tale of the devoted Chinaman

Hay-bing, the devoted Chinaman of the Virgin of Caysasay

Since I have know that many of readers are looking for the story of Juan Hay-bing I decided to write the story in this post. The tale of the Chinaman has been told for many years and is recalled to the children of Taal. Back in the 1920's this story became the plot for the a play made in Taal, Batangas.

The Story goes like this.
Back in the year 1639, as the construction of the of the stone church of Caysasay. A revolt against the Spanish Government erupted in Manila, taking the live of some 24, 000 Chinese with it. The Spaniards then decide to promulgate a decree that all Chinese be arrested and executed. When the order arrive at Taal the authorities ordered all the Chinese there to be decapitated(Beheaded). One of the Chinese living in Taal was Juan Hay-bing, a fervent devotee of the Virgin of Caysasay. One day the Hay-bing was arrested and was beheaded. However the following morning they found him alive walking towards the Sanctuary. All were astonished to see Hay-bing alive again, many were amazed especially those who witness his death. According to Hay-bing the Virgin of Caysasay returned his life by uniting his head and body after the execution.
Grateful he was that he promised to serve and guard the Image in the Church of Caysasay. But after some years he forgot all his promise to the Virgin. One Saturday morning Hay-bing was on his way to plow the fields. A man who was going to church see's him and addressed him " Ungrateful Hay-bing why have you forgotten your promise ?" "Never mind that old promise" replied by the Chinaman " I have serve the Virgin long enough and now I am caring for my wife." Hardly had Hay-bing pronounced these words a bull attacked him it its horns killing him instantly. Because of this, it was thought it was the revenge of the Our Lady to those who does not kept there promise.

Some might think that message of story is that God through Mary is fearsome and vengeful to the truth God is merciful and loving. The story challenge us to be obedience and be good Christians it also serves as a warning for those who does not live out as Christians, in the end sinners will be tested for their wrong doings back when they were living.

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