
Friday, June 17, 2011

Campo Santo of Lipa City

Stone steps - Campo Santo de Lipa

Campo Santo de Lipa

Here again is a post and this time I went to the place of the dead, sounds creepy but wort it. The place that I'm mentioning is the old Roman Catholic cemetery of Lipa City Batangas specipically the cemetery in Barangay Antipolo del Norte.
Memorial of the Silva Family

This cemetery offers a glimpse of the former residence of the famous coffee town of Lipa(now a city). In my observation many of these coffee traders later sugar barons, after the infestation of the coffee rust, are now peacefully buried here. The cemetery also has features statues, many are on a sorrowful mood. Angels are also present yet the most prominent is the whited painted cross.

The Old Chapel

Upon entering the cemetery one is amazed by the stone steps leading to the arch, tisa on the other hand flank the pathway going to the mortuary chapel. The side of the pathway are filled with curve tombstones with marble markers. The mortuary chapel in the center is made of stone with an inscription of what was taken from the bible. The interior is simple with large crucifix inside. Below it are the grave stone of the dead some are scattered and others are buried in the walls.


The inscription above the chapel portal

Capilla Interior
Interior of the chapel.

One of the most well done memorial is that is that of the Olaguivel's, a life size marble Dolorosa stands in the graves of the Olaguivel's. The detail of the image is fine specially the eyes. For me this is one the best sculptures in the cemetery.

Some famous families on the other hand transferred the remains of their ancestors in the mortuary chapel in the Cathedral. Thus some of them are no longer seen in this cemetery. Only a small area of the big cemetery is what was left of the old. Many are demolish to give way for new ones. A new chapel was also constructed to replace the old one. At least the chapel and the graves next to it are still intact.

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